Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Hurricane Katrina Documentation Project

Do you have a story to tell about being evacuated from New Orleans, surviving
Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, or about the relocation process?

Would you like to bear witness regarding your experiences to a sensitive,
professionally trained interviewer, or do you know anyone in these categories
who would like to participate in the Hurricane Katrina Documentation Project?

I am currently working for a project called, "The Saddest Days: Katrina’s
Aftermath and Impact on the New Orleans African (American) Community". It is a
project of the Benjamin Hooks Institute for Social Change at the University of
Memphis attempting to give voice to the thousands of African Americans who have
been displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Through oral interviews, stories of
evacuation and abandonment, heroism and terror, prejudice and generosity,
displacement and rebuilding, will be told. Information gathered during
interviews will be included in a human rights report, a book, and a community
dance performance.

Participation in this study will remain confidential, and names of participants
will not be mentioned in any public documents. We will keep notes and tapes
from the interviews but names will not be stored with that information. We will
send a transcript of the interview to each participant, at his or her request.

If you know of anyone in the Houston or Austin area that would be willing to
share a story, please contact Cynthia Garza at 832-741-2995, cgarza@tulane.edu.

Your help in contacting New Orleanians in the Houston area is greatly
Cynthia Garza

***If you or potential participants have any questions about this research or
know of anyone in cities outside those mentioned that would like to
participate, please contact Dr. D’Ann Penner at the Benjamin Hooks Institute
for Social Change headquarters in Memphis, TN (dpenner@memphis.edu,
901-678-3974 or 901-219-0507).

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Prospective Students: Application Procedures

To All Prospective LAST Graduate Students:

Please be advised that the Stone Center and the Graduate School are accepting applications for Fall 2006 admissions. We would like all prospective applicants to know that we envision as vibrant a program in the 06-07 academic year as we have had in past years.

Please know that you can now contact the Graduate Advisor, Jimmy Huck, directly at his Tulane email address: jhuck@tulane.edu.

Also, you can begin the application process at once by visiting the Tulane Graduate School's Admissions/Application Webpage to learn more about the application process and to even begin your online application.

We look forward to hearing from you and to receiving your applications. Please be in touch if there is anything we can do for you.

Jimmy Huck
Assistant Director and Graduate Advisor

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